After Your MFR Session

After Your MFR Session

Any of the following results are an indication that your body is restructuring, and normal after an MFR session.

  • Muscle Soreness: You might feel muscle soreness similar to a good workout at the gym. Just keep hydrating and moving through the soreness.
  • Hydration: Be sure to drink twice as much water as you normally would drink; especially for the 2 hours following your session. This will also help prevent headaches after your session.
  • Dreams: You might have strange dreams following your session. These could be your body’s way of unwinding and releasing old traumas.
  • Emotions: Since MFR can release emotions stored in the tissues, your emotions might feel easily triggered. Just allow them to surface and express them in a safe setting.
  • Epsom Salts: If you feel your session was exceptionally intense, soaking in an Epson Salt bath could be soothing.
  • Different Sensations: Sometimes as our bodies shift with MFR, you might be aware of sensations in different areas. Just unwind through, and feel the sensations.

Have any other results that are not listed? Please feel free to connect your therapist at any time or email us directly. Sometimes, if a session is particularly intense, the dramatic changes in our bodies may trigger a healing crisis. This is a normal part of the full body healing process.

Also, if you have not rebooked your next appointment, please do so as soon as possible. Since our injuries are cumulative, our healing is also cumulative. Receiving weekly (or every-other-week) treatments, along with your home stretches, will increase your healing results. Feel free to try different therapists, as each has their own gifts to bring into your session.